Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I, Mary, have known I was soy intolerant for just over a year. I get painful GI issues when I eat soy, making it definitely not worth it, not to mention the damage my body sustains when I eat it.
Just about two weeks ago, I realized I am also milk intolerant. At first I thought it was lactose, but I'm pretty sure it's all dairy, since everytime I have even a trace amount, I have symptoms. And it is also not worth it.
Now, I am pregnant, and had planned on starting the MSPI (milk/soy protein intolerance) diet in my third trimester and while I was nursing, to give my baby's GI system the best chance, but my body decided to play a cruel joke on me early. Oh well, my baby will definitely be getting MSPI safe milk!

I would like to say that I am milk and soy INTOLERANT and NOT allergic. So if you have milk and soy allergies, I recommend you do some research to make sure that foods are safe for you. For more on intolerances versus allergies see here.

While I was nursing my daughter, who had MSPI, I had a friend who helped me out alot with a good list of recipes and some snack and eating out ideas that were very helpful.
I will try to update the information on safe things to eat at restaurants, but encourage you to never take only my word for the safety of your food. As a consumer, we all have responsibilities to do our own research and take responsibility for what we are putting in our mouths.
I hope this blog will help those who have MSPI and encourage moms of MSPI babies to continue nursing for as long as they and their child want to.

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